Friday 16 November 2012

Colour testing: Pop style

Colour testing: Pop style

Pop magazines are usually aimed at young teenage girls. Feminine colours are colours such as, pink, purple, red, bright bold colours and some pastel colours such as pale pink and mint green. 

I am basing all of my colours and styles around this magazine front cover. I am not copying it exactly but I am using similar colours and styles. Most of the colours I am using are yellow, pink, blue, white, black, red or another shade of pink and I am adding in green. 

White: White is a calm neutral colour. White can be used for anything, the background, the font, shapes etc. 

Green: Green is an earthy colour. When I think of green I think of nature and things such as leaves, trees, grass etc. Green symbolizes freshness, harmony and fertility. Dark green is commonly associated with money. I could use green for some writing on my front cover, i'd only use a little bit though maybe for a title of an article.

Yellow: Yellow is the colour of sunshine. It is associated with joy, happiness and energy. When i think of the colour yellow I think of the sun and smiley faces which are sometimes yellow. Gold is a kind of yellowy colour and this reminds me of jewellery. I think i'd use yellow for my main font title. I'd use yellow on a pink background because it would stand out a lot.

Black: Black reminds me of darkness and death. The colour black is associated with formality, death, evil and mystery. Black is used for a lot of different types of texts and backgrounds. I think i'd use black for a lot of the text on my magazine front cover and maybe some text boxes could be filled with black. 

Pink: Pink is a very bold colour. It is also very feminine and is nice in all sorts of shades. Pink is said to be a colour just for girls but this is not true, this is just a stereotype. When babies are born they say that blue is for boys and pink is for girls, this wasn't always the case because pink comes from red and red means blood and violence and boys were to be seen as powerful and violent. Blue was the colour that the Virgin Mary wore and they said that girls should be innocent but somehow the colour’s swapped around. When i think of pink i think of girly things such a hearts, love, flowers etc. I will probably use a lot of pink on my front cover. I think pink will be the main background colour. I will use different shades of pink too, mainly light pink and dark pink. 

Blue is a calm, neutral colour. The stereotype is that blue is for boys, this is not true because blue can be for both boys and girls. The colour blue reminds me of water. Blue is usually associated with water but it is also the colour of the sky and it symbolizes faith, truth and heaven. Blue will be another colour for my font. I will only use a little bit just so it doesn't stand out too much. 

Red usually represents love but it has other meanings such as blood, fear, fire, passion etc. When i think of red i do usually think of love. Red is associated with energy, war and danger. I will use red for font again and maybe for some shapes added in for example shapes such as lips. lips could be used to show gossip or love. 

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