Tuesday 26 February 2013

Mock ups

Mock ups

I changed my designs slightly for my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I used the designs that I drew up as a guideline but I had some problems fitting everything in so I had to alter my design slightly. For example on my front cover the barcode is not in the middle of the page, it is to the left of the page and on my double page spread I added in patterns.

This is the mock up for my front cover.

This is the mock up for my contents page.

 This is the mock up for the first page of my double page spread.

 This is the mock up for the second page of my double page spread.

Friday 8 February 2013

Final drafts

Final drafts: Front cover, contents page and double page spread

For each of my pages I have used the colours, Pink, Blue, Black, White and Purple. I have also used different shades of these colours. I have chosen to use these types of colours as the music genre of my magazine is Pop. I have kept the same style throughout. I have used seven different pictures of three different people. I have used effects such as Sepia and Black and White. I have also manipulated my pictures by removing the backgrounds and defining the edges. 

This is my final draft for my Front cover.

This is my final draft for my Contents page.

This is my final draft for my Double page spread. It is different to my construction examples as I had to add in a comma and speech marks because I missed them out. I made grammatical mistakes but I sorted them out.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Construction examples

Construction examples: Contents page

 I have used the same colours that I used for my front cover. I have done this so I keep the same colour scheme throughout my magazine. I have a picture of the same person as I do on my front cover. I have done this because she is the main music artist in my magazine.

The writing was too large here so I decided to not use WordArt but to put it into an ordinary Text Box. It looks better in the Text Box and the writing is the same size too.

 I have included who will be featuring in the magazine. I have specifically made each music artist/artists a different colour so they stand out. I have included 'Page 25: Have your say - We publish you emails & letters.' at the bottom to make people want to send in their letters and emails.

This is what the writing looks like when it is in a Text Box. I have included another picture of the same person that I used on my front cover. I have used the same person again as she is the main celebrity included in my magazine. 

I included dots to look like bullet points but changed them as I didn't like them. I included too many dots as well and it didn't look right.

Here I was experimenting with the size, font and position of the text. 

I have added in more text and more page numbers.

This is my final draft of my contents page. I have changed the colour of the text and added in another picture. I also added in another picture and more pages so it makes my contents page look more realistic.