Thursday 13 December 2012

Music magazine questionnaire written analysis

Music magazine questionnaire written analysis

I asked 21 people to answer my questionnaire.

Music Magazine Questionnaire
Please tick the answer that is relevant to you

1. How old are you?

- 10 - 13 : 0 people ticked this answer. 
- 14 - 17 : 15 people ticked this answer.
- 18 - 21 : 3 people ticked this answer.

- 21+ : 3 people ticked this answer.

2. How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?

- 50p - £1.00 : 0 people ticked this answer.

- £1.50 - £2.00 : 2 people ticked this answer.

- £2.50 - £3.00 : 12 people ticked this answer. 

- £3.00+ : 7 people ticked this answer.

3. What gender are you?

- Female : 21 people ticked this answer.

- Male : 0 people ticked this answer.

4. What type of music genre do you prefer? 

- Rock : 4 people ticked this answer. 

- Pop : 14 people ticked this answer.

- Classical : 0 people ticked this answer.

- Indie : 3 people ticked this answer.

5. What type of music artists do you prefer?

- Bands : 10 people ticked this answer.

- Duo's : 0 people ticked this answer. 

- Single artists : 11 people ticked this answer.

- Choirs : 0 people ticked this answer.

6. What would you like to be included in a Pop magazine?

- Fashion: New trends, New hairstyles, New make up, etc. : 6 people ticked this answer.

- Celebrity gossip: What are celebrities doing?, What do they look like now?, Have they embarrassed themselves?, etc. : 12 people ticked this answer. 

- Personal advice: How to cope with life, How to beat bullies, How to get help, etc. : 0 people ticked this answer.

- How to get a certain look: Look like a certain Pop celebrity, etc. : 3 people ticked this answer.

7. What would you expect to be on a front cover of a Pop magazine?

- A new artist/band : 15 people ticked this answer.

- New make up/hairstyles : 0 people ticked this answer.  

- Fashion trends/new styles/how to dress like a certain celebrity : 5 people ticked this answer.

- Advertisements for competition: Win a date with JLS : 1 person ticked this answer.

8. What would you like to be included in the articles?

- Stories about celebrities : 12 people ticked this answer.

- Instructions on how to style your hair/style your make up, etc. : 7 people ticked this answer. 

- Stories about real life people: How people cope with their problems/how they cope with their lives, etc. : 0 people ticked this answer.

- Quizzes/puzzles to do with celebrities : 2 people ticked this answer. 

9. What name do you prefer?

- Amplified : 12 people ticked this answer.

- Loud : 6 people ticked this answer. 

- Don't stop the music : 1 person ticked this answer. 

- Noise : 2 people ticked this answer.

10. How often do you read magazines?

- Daily : 0 people ticked this answer.

- Weekly : 3 people ticked this answer.

- Monthly : 7 people ticked this answer. 

- Hardly ever : 11 people ticked this answer.

From the results of my questionnaire I have concluded that my target market is teenagers between the age of 14 - 17. The amount people are willing to pay is £2.50 - £3.00. I only asked females as my magazine is aimed at young females. The main genre that was chosen was Pop. People seem to like single artists mainly and they want celebrity gossip included in a Pop magazine. The highest answer for what people expected to be on the front cover of a Pop magazine was a new artist/band. In the articles, stories about celebrities would be included and the name that was the most popular was Amplified. People said that they read magazines hardly ever.      

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